On Target

Target is running a couple of really funny commercials about Black Friday that feature a red-dressed, chipper Perfect Shopper who’s practicing her tactics for the big day. She trudges up a hill in heels, dragging a couple weighted shopping carts. She’s got a day by day bargain bulletin board and promises she’ll be there bright and early unlike her slug-a-bed sister who’ll be “late and dull-eyed.” The emphasis is on shared style rather than low price. A risk…but a smart one.

What I like about the spots, beyond the spot-on humor, is that Target is being Target again. This year they’ve been in an uphill slugfest with Wal-Mart whose “Save Money. Live Better” only gets better and better and is super smart for this economy. Where the Wal-Mart ads are terrific for their highly priced sensitive customers (which would be the mega majority of the United States of America), Target seems to have decided to stop fighting the “low priced” war or at least re-focus on women’s Whole Truth about their brand.

Target’s Half Truth among women: “I shop there because I get good deals”. Women’s Whole Truth: “I brag that I shop at Tar-zhay because it makes me look both smart AND cool.” And Whole/Whole Truth: “….cooler than going to Wal-Mart.”

So, Target is betting that if things start turning around, women will return for their Target fix after being in recession-forced captivity with Wal-Mart. Whether they’re right or wrong, at least both brands are being true to their school.

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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