Give A Little, Get A LOT

Half Truth: I’m too busy to volunteer

Whole Truth: It’s easier to give money, yet less always feels less rewarding, until now-

Excluding my Saturday mornings at the senior citizen’s home in New Jersey back in the ’90s, I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been crap at volunteering.  However, last year I heard about an amazingly personal website,, that’s made my monetary donations feel like I’m really making a difference.

On the website you select your location and review proposals written by teachers that need help with their classrooms, everything from science experiments to gym equipment. Each proposal has a page where they post pictures and a summary of their situations and needs. You can donate any amount towards a project and you’re also able to write a little message about why you chose to donate.

After entering my credit card number is about the time I usually forget I gave $25 to my friend running that race, but not with DonorsChoose. After donating you receive hand written thank you letters in the mail to make you feel extra special. Last night I got invited to play volleyball with the students whom I purchased a new net and balls for. I also got to hear all about Tupac’s journey (who knew there was a rapper’s biography appropriate for a 7th grade girls book club, but reading is reading, right?)

Besides making you feel ridiculously good about giving some money, DonorsChoose is organized and easy. In December I received a letter in the mail from the organization with a summary, for tax purposes, of all the money I donated over the year (thank you for not making me go back thru my bank statements), as well as a $25 gift card to use towards a future donation. Last night I received another $25 gift card that they asked me to pass onto a friend, family member or colleague to help spread the word.

I thought blogging would spread the word to a few more ears.–an amazing way to donate!

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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