Waiting to Explode

You’d think in these tight times, retailers would be catering to the few women in their stores. But my friend Molly’s recent experience at a Verizon store is all too typical. 

Molly’s upfront research encouraged an in-person store visit so their on-site device could instantly transfer all of her contacts and pictures onto a new Blackberry. Figuring on 10 minutes tops, she brought along her 3 year old son Brady. An hour and fifteen minutes after saying, “That one, please,” Molly and Brady were still waiting. (If you call torture, ‘waiting.’) “No place to sit, no place to put your winter coat. C’mon, what the heck were they doing, typing and scurrying around for an hour?” 

Like every mother of invention, Molly had suggestions for improvement.  “How about some chairs, a coloring book ,even brand-building toy phones??  How about letting me watch a DVD on how to use my new phone or letting me download a few new ringtones?” Instead, she ended up taking Brady to the bathroom 5 times out of boredom, only to be sent home with “a folder of papers, 2 booklets, a CD, and 3 cords that I will never even try to figure out.”  

What retailers don’t realize is that women, especially moms with kids (or with the babysitter meter ticking) can exact sweet revenge when left waiting. Molly admitted, “I spent the first 15 minutes trying to make sure Brady didn’t break the demo phones, and the rest of the time not caring if he did.” 

In research Just Ask a Woman conducted on car dealerships, one of our favorite moms slyly confided, “When I am in the showroom, I try to control my kids. But once they start the runaround, I don’t control my children anymore.” 

Now is the time for shopkeepers to ‘get it’. You are a stop on her day, not her destination. She’ll buy…and she’ll be back…if you only let her go.

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Evil Countertops & Cell Phones

So in one day I realized that my health was seriously at risk because I renovated my kitchen and talk to my mother. That can’t be good.

The New York Times revealed today that my granite countertops are leaking radon and trying to kill me.  How could I have known that my newly remodeled kitchen had such a mean streak?  Basically it has always been known that granite contains tiny, tiny amounts of radioactive materials like uranium but now that people are trying to out do each other’s kitchens with more and more exotic granite, some granite is coming through “hot” with more dangerous levels. In typical alarmist style people are said to be ripping out their countertops and floors. I’m no scientist, but that seems a little extreme.  I wouldn’t take my granite out unless it was actually glowing green!  How will this warning affect Home Depot and Lowe‘s that are in the granite business big time?  What about every television show on HGTV that relies on granite for the big reveal!?  Will real estate ads tout  cancer free countertops as a selling point?

Then I find out that this totally credible doctor out of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute warned 3,000 colleagues to drop their cell phones because of a very real cancer risk.  He bases this on early unpublished data because he says science takes too long to provide answers.  Can you imagine if health care marketers followed suit and just started to launch drugs before the FDA approved them because the bureacracy is too slow?  We would have a lot of “oops, my bad” type of retractions, wouldn’t we?   But this cell phone thing does worry me because my BlackBerry is basically attached to my fingertips and I have long chats with my folks when I’m on the road or during my commute.  I’m not sure I’m ready to change my behavior but I think I am going to pay close attention to this one.

I don’t think I’m going to watch the news or read the paper tomorrow so I don’t have to give anything else up. 

Just Ask a Woman

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When Less is More

Women have been telling us for some time now that they want to find ways to simplify their lives and choose products that make things easier. I know I want that, especially as I sit here trying to figure out how to make software work with my Vista operating system (talking nicely to it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.)

We’ve been saying for awhile now that we wouldn’t be surprised if consumers started paying a premium for products that had less features. While they might not be willing to shell out extra bucks to get less yet, a new study from Jitterbug, the manufactures of the simple cell phone, shows that they definitely believe less is more.  


In fact, 32% of cell phone users say their current cell phone service has more features than they know what to do with. And 73% of respondents prefer to pay only for what they believe they will actually use, compared to only 27% who want all the bells and whistles.( Jitterbug National Survey, May 2008

My only question is why is this being sold as the “Senior cell phone”?  I can tell you while I love my blackberry, there are days where I would be happy to go feature free.

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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