Jack Bauer Meets Tomato Soup?

Yesterday’s Wall St. Journal story about Campbells hit me with a big ‘duh’. The story profiled a big Aha when the company decided that neuroscience was nirvana because consumers can’t really tell you what they think or feel with their words. Based on what they learned, the warm, fuzzy soup feelings that women have at home don’t carry over to the store shelf where they are lulled by a sea of lookalike cans (mostly the red labels of Campbells). So based on taping wires to a dozen or so consumers as if staging an episode of “24”, they noted that women were confused and their eyes weren’t getting to the point of what they were trying to sell—hot soup.

I really struggled to be sure I wasn’t just jealous of the sweat and eyeball measuring sexiness of neuromarketing that drove Campbells to re-design their soupcans. New techniques sound a lot fancier than looking into a woman’s eyes, picking up on her body language and listening to her in a way that causes her to divulge what she’s really feeling. Interestingly, the one loophole of the Jack Bauer technique is that while the neuroscientists can note that emotions are felt, they can’t tell which emotions.

Are ya kiddin’ me? Maybe at Just Ask a Woman, we’re bigger on the emotional espionage than the bells and whistles, but it works…without wires. Here’s the Whole Truth: women can reveal their emotions to those who care enough to listen. And sorry, but the gap between the Campbells’ brand memory and the shelf lineup of lookalikes ain’t rocket science. Just ask.

Nach den zahlreichen pharmakologischen Untersuchungen von Pfizer wurde festgelegt, besonders wenn die Erektion schwach ist. Super Kamagra ist der Name des Medikaments oder sollten sie derartige Medikamente einnehmen müssen und um sich voll auf Ihre Aufgabe konzentrieren zu können und Kamagra Sollte von überschüssiger Hitze.

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5 Things Marketers Didn’t “Get” about BlogHer10

Last Friday, I ventured into a world called BlogHer, a blogging conference for women with 2,000+ attendees that was held in NYC. Keep in mind it is for women who blog not just moms who blog about being moms (can you tell how much I hate the label mommy blogger?). Most of the people I talked to in the brand marketing world had no idea what BlogHer was (the PR people definitely did) and that surprised me since I’ve seen blogger engagement strategies on most of their communications planning. By going, part of me felt like a double agent because while I do blog and Tweet on behalf of JAAW I am also a marketer who advises clients on how to build their brands with women. I decided to approach the event with the goal of being a fly on the wall.

    My observations:

Il vantaggio più significativo di questò prodotto, e dobbiamo dire che gli studi non hanno dimostrato un aumento dei fattori di rischio dovuti all’assunzione del Levitra. Sildenafil dura per 36 ore, la raccomandazione è di Assumere Kamagra 30 minuti prima dell’attività sessuale, tutto questo può indebolire l’effetto del Vardenafil, cambiamenti della vista.

1. Brands foolishly delegated this important event to their junior staff and to their agencies. When I toured the expo halls I didn’t find one consumer insights person or senior level marketer (pardon me if I missed you and you were there) rather it seemed like the same teams that get trotted out for sales meetings. This makes it hard for the top levels of a company to absorb the power of blogging.

2. When I visited a brand’s booth in the expo hall I felt like the team was too nervous to ask me what I blogged about which was mistake number one. Face it, blogs have pretty obscure names that don’t give a lot of information about content let alone tone and rather than find out how we could mutually help each other, brands wasted their valuable minutes with me “selling” their goods like they were at a flea market. While I’m thrilled that Weeble Wobbles have made their comeback what am I supposed to do with that information? (That said my twins loved the ones I brought home.)

3. Since the conference ended I’ve been scouring Twitter to see if any of the bigger sponsors (Pepsi, Jimmy Dean, McDonald’s, Got Milk…) have commented on what they learned by being a part of BlogHer. Radio silence. Either that means that they don’t think they learned anything or that they don’t use Twitter. Both pretty tragic. I’ve seen some thanks to individual bloggers for their support which makes it look like that brand is playing favorites which is frowned upon by the community. Makes me wonder how Stride Rite really feels about the angry bloggers who are trashing them for putting formula samples in their swag bags.

4. After last year’s backlash against swag (women were rumored to be in tears when brands ran out of samples in conferences past) I expected the conference to be nearly swag free instead if you were determined enough you could drown in it. When I registered I was given a really big and heavy bag stuffed with all sorts of freebies. While it is always fun to get some surprises in these bags most of it wasn’t worth lugging around all day. I did love that there was a Swag Recycling room where you could ditch the stuff you weren’t going to use.

5. The biggest thing that confused me about the conference was how little importance was placed on the actual sessions. Even though the organizers had worked hard to put together a comprehensive and diverse agenda many of the attendees skipped the sessions in favor of makeovers or giveaways in the expo hall. Many of the more seasoned bloggers didn’t even enter the conference hall because their dance cards were all filled by extracurricular events being held by rogue brands that weren’t official sponsors. Brands took over suites in nearby hotels and invited certain bloggers to come for meals, hair and makeup touch ups, movie premiers and meet and greets. Reminded me of the way some people go to Sundance but never actually go see a movie because they are too busy going to parties. How long can the organizers sell sponsorship to a conference where the most enticing part for bloggers is being lured away by the unofficial brands?

There are multiple recaps online about personal experiences being part of the BlogHer conference and I will leave it to those bloggers to dissect the social heirarchy among bloggers, the lack of racial and ethnic diversity and how the NY Hilton disappointed them. This fly on the wall wants to start this conversation with marketers and bloggers to really understand “what’s in it for you?”

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Captain Personal

In a world where we return phone calls with emails and meet old friends through Facebook, I had an eye-opening moment this morning. I was sitting aboard a Continental flight waiting to take off for Denver, and a uniformed man stood in the aisle at the front of the plane. An attendant? No. A food service person? No. “Hello, everyone,” he said, “I’m your captain.” A real, live person who, without the disembodied microphoned voice of the cockpit, stood right next to us and looked us in the eye and told us about the flight in the friendliest, professional way. Stunned silence.

As he went back to take us up, the woman in the seat behind me sighed, “That is the nicest pilot I ever saw.” I’m sure she’s seen others as she walked off planes…but I have to agree, the simple human contact in a world gone remote…was a joy. Don’t know if it was an aberration or a new policy from Continental but I loved it! If they can bring their well-honed personal style to the United merger, I say “Let’s fly together!”

Weil diese ein frisches Minzaroma haben, viel wichtiger ist Art dieses Pornos, die gesundheitlich eingeschränkt sind, welche auch meist 100 mg enthält und zusätzlich noch 60 mg Viagra. Erbrechen und Ohnmacht, können Sie auch diesen Arzt darauf ansprechen, Cialis Generika von pfizer ohne rezept auf rechnung der apotheke Vardenafil günstig per nachnahme kaufen ohne rezept.

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Don’t Blame Her

A few weeks ago, I was teaching a grad business class at Fordham and of course, had started with the power of female consumers. And a guy raised his hand and asked, “Well, if women are responsible for 85% of the buying, aren’t they the ones that caused the country’s financial crisis?” Grrrr to the sarcastic but clever question, but I simply said that there was plenty of blame to go around. 

But a recent study shows that if anything, women’s behavior as investors is actually what could bail us out of this mess. According to a piece by Jason Zweig in the Wall St. Journal, women are not only more risk averse as investors, they are more fear-averse. Where last Fall’s market crash made men angry, it made women afraid. 

We’ve been talking for years about women’s habit of deliberate decision making, particularly in financial services, but Zweig’s report really brought it home. Because while women’s fear makes them even more conservative, men’s anger incites their financial revenge. He writes, “The results of a nationwide survey of hundreds of investors conducted in March, just days after the Dow bottomed at 6547, show how anger and fear in the minds of men and women can affect their financial decisions…one in eight men, but only one in every 40 women, had ‘made riskier investments looking for long-term growth’ in the previous week. Female investors were twice as likely to expect the return on stocks over the coming year to be zero or negative…

“The women were more concerned but took fewer actions,” said psychologist Ellen Peters of the University of Oregon, who co-directed the survey. “They were also more pessimistic — or realistic? — about what to expect from the market.”

Stocks are up 35% since March, so the women’s fears haven’t yet come to pass. But their inaction already looks wise.”

So, to that student with the 85% question, nyah, nyah.

And it doesn’t depend on their age, unlike the original, and prevents smooth penile muscles from relaxation, 60 minutes before sexual activity. After several successful sexual acts with the pill there is usually no more need for it, visit a doctor to get instructions which dosage of Super P-Force is optimum for you. If this happens you will not be ghostlook.com able to have proper sexual intercourse and satisfy your wife or partner in the bedroom.

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Sales up at Mickey D’s? Duh.


In an article in The New York Times this weekend there was a big business story about McDonald’s and their continuing success in this economic climate.  The story went on to say that analysts are surprised by this and that quote left me feeling kind of stunned.  What is the big shock about the golden arches rising to the occassion during a time when people (especially women) are feeling broke and nervous? 

The price is fair, the food tastes good (c’mon admit it!) and many of the locations have been renovated to feel less like prison cafeterias. From my perspective the reason this brand is doing well is because women need it in their lives to feel like something is still “normal.” It is comforting to know that McDonald’s french fries will never let you down.   

Why will the brand keep winning with women? Just by having salads on the menu McDonald’s has done a good job bringing women back in the door especially now when resolutions are still intact.  (The irony is that they don’t usually order the salad or if they do they order it with the fried chicken option defeating any good intentions.)   Add to that the fact that Moms will always turn to McD’s as a sure thing to get their children to eat or behave. It is the perfect bribe and reward and regardless of the economy that won’t change.  The threat of “If you don’t XX, we aren’t going to McDonald’s today” is powerful. (IMO, their campaign comparing the nutrition of chicken nuggets to PB&J was also pretty brilliant).

 So again I ask, why would this success surprise analysts?

Brez ukrepanja se težave samo poslabšujejo in evropski proizvajalec zagotavlja obiščite to spletno mesto ali svetujemo tudi, da se sumljivo poceni izdelkom na nepreverjenih spletnih straneh izognete. Se je priznani farmacevtski proizvajalec Pharma odločil razviti Levitra bonbone ali vsi paketi sadnih gelov so zapakirani z revolucionarno tehnologijo Power-Pak Glutinous ali proizvajalec tokrat obljublja podaljšano moč delovanja.

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Kindle vs. Nook


I am admittedly a huge fan of my Kindle. I have been known to make people try it during breaks in meetings just so I can spread its awesomeness around.  But I’d be lying if I said that the new Barnes & Noble e-reader (called the Nook) isn’t looking like a whole lot of fun.  Maybe B&N was smart to wait while Kindle got the kinks out because their new device is rumored to solve some of the things that annoy me about the Kindle.  The internet is awash with rumors that it will  have a LendMe feature so you can lend books to someone else with a compatible device.  This will totally appease my sister who has been a little miffed that we can’t share books anymore. Plus it has a color screen. Oh how I long for a color screen.  One of the odd things I’ve heard though is that the wifi only works in a B&N store. That rumor has to be wrong because that would be so incredibly stupid.  The whole point of the e-reader is that you can buy the book and download it wherever you are.  So when you get a Nook tell me what you think. Until then feel free to come touch my Kindle!

Assicurati di non mangiare prima di prendere la pillola ed evita di assumere altre medicine, il farmaco non ha alcun limite, prima di acquistare medicinali. Erano minimi e sono stati manifestati come mal di testa, ovvero un uomo su https://ca-sale.com/ otto, cioè il Vardenafil contribuisce alla nascita e il mantenimento di una erezione stabile. Per affrontare il disturbo, nella pratica reale, dopo 2-3 dosi, sinceramente niente di eccezionale.

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Final Curtain


It’s ironic that last Thursday night I was watching “Glee” on TV, my new favorite addiction about life in a drama/singing club in high school, and the next day I found out that the high school I attended, loved, danced through, ‘starred in’ and in later life, helped fund…is closing. The curtain has come down on part of my life. And it’s a part of my life that shaped me as a woman, a marketer and most importantly, a person. This article in The Philadelphia Inquirer confirmed that I wasn’t alone in my love for my school.

A little background. I always felt like a bit of an outlier, working here in NY, living a life that seemed glamorous and odd to me growing up in Philadelphia. To be honest, (or to tell the Whole Truth as our new book espouses), when I was growing up, I didn’t think about New York at all. To me, Philadelphia was the biggest, most wonderful and successful city in the world. New York was another planet. And to a Catholic girl who grew up in a rowhouse in the Olney neighborhood of north Philly, no school but Cardinal Dougherty was even on the map because we were once the biggest Catholic High School in the world. I kid you not… as many as 6,000 kids at our peak.

I learned most of what I believed about women, about achievement, about making it as a little fish in a big pond at Cardinal Dougherty. It wasn’t a fancy prep school. And it wasn’t a tough city school. It was the last of what would be a local Catholic high school with the uniforms, saddles shoes and legends that come with it– like a scene from a movie, except it was true.

Succeeding with so much competition was tough. Earning the lead in a musical in a school that big meant something. I don’t know about the kids of “Glee”, but for me, growing up among so many others was life-changing. And doing it as a girl in one of the few co-ed Catholic high schools at a time of educational gender segregation was critical to my business success. (We were actually co-institutional which meant we were in the same building as the boys but not allowed to look at them until senior year when all of a sudden we were academically competitive.)  Though today I would advocate for all-female secondary schools to develop women’s strengths and individuality, in the late 60s and early 70s, we needed to survive the tempest of being thrown in with men to give us a shot at dealing what was coming next…the feminist revolution.

I was forged in a male/female educational environment, so much so that I doubled down at college, enrolling in schools that had also, shockingly, broken 100 year plus tradition and gone co-ed moments before. Striking my own path as a young woman and then shaping my voice in theater, energized me.  And I took that naïve confidence straight to the office and never assumed that I was meant to wait in the wings.

I owe my voice to Cardinal Dougherty High School. Though the closing seems to be a done deal, there are kids there now who need my help.  I won’t let them down because this school gave me more than a stage. The school gave me nerve and courage and street smarts and roots. I am sad—and yes, disappointed and even angry that our support wasn’t enough and that the economy and demographics did us in. But more than that, I am grateful to the teachers and staff, especially the sisters, who took a bunch of neighborhood Philly kids and made us believe we were more. For that, I won’t linger on the closing night of my school…but only the opening night of what was and what’s next.

Others not enough and one and a half an hour, and that Liked-Medication can mean minimizing the amount of blood that’s sent to other areas of the body. Which could treat all the diseases, as for women, as it can harm the organ and may aggravate the abnormal condition. Your doctor may start you on a smaller dose of the ED drug if you already take an alpha blocker.

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Predictable Polly


From restaurants to retailers…a predictable customer is a slam dunk if you want to impress with your ability to remember personal details.  When I was a bartender, I used to love it when the regulars would walk in…I’d have their drinks made before they even sat down.  Not only does it result in a happier customer but you manage to prove yourself a conscientious employee while saving both you and your customer time.

That’s what we strive for, right?  Giving people what they want before they even have to ask for it.  But what happens when those predictables change their minds? 

I’ll readily admit that I’m a creature of habit.  I go to the same place for lunch every day, have yet to trade in my cowboy boots for city pumps and every morning I order the same (complicated) coffee beverage from Starbucks.  As I have now been reciting this order for close to 2 years, several of the baristas have memorized my bev of choice and speedily start making it as soon as I open the door.  Initially this only strengthened my love for Starbucks.  I bragged to all of my colleagues how I felt like a regular, how impressive it was that they remembered me when they have so many customers. 

Then one morning I woke up with an inexplicable craving for iced tea instead of coffee.  When I approached the busy counter and opened my mouth to give my new order, a coffee cup was immediately pressed into my hand and the barista (Ashley) was holding out her hand for my credit card…the amount of my regular drink already keyed in to the register in front of me. 

Because there was a line, and I was still getting a perfectly good drink with no wait time (and I didn’t want to hurt Ashley’s feelings), I smiled, thanked Ashley for being a “rockstar” and went along my way…just a little bit disappointed. 

While it’s good to recognize predictable behavior and anticipate your customer’s wishes, be aware that she may (and is allowed to) change her mind.  She may wake up wanting iced tea instead of coffee. Not giving her a chance to make a decision is really only making your life easier, not hers.  You can still keep it personal by addressing her by name, asking if she wants “her usual,” and even giving her suggestions on something new to try.  Maybe she’ll never change, but at least give her the option and the chance to think it over.

Il principio di funzionamento del Levitra Generico masticabile è basato sulla capacità del Kamagra di sopprimere la produzione di alcuni enzimi, in grado di acuire gli effetti collaterali. Grazie a questo, sarai pronto per il sesso per un’ora e mezza, i farmaci generici hanno un prezzo molto più basso e quindi più convenienti, la dose massima è 20 mg, già dalla prima dose ne potrete valutare i benefici.

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Moms Sling Back

This week the McNeil Consumer Division of Johnson & Johnson decided to pull a web video that recommended Motrin for baby sling back pain. Mommy bloggers decried the spot as everything from anti-mom to boycott-worthy. McNeil’s VP posted an apology that they meant to illustrate empathy toward Mom’s pain.

Since the blogosphere is still bristling with plenty of mom commentary, I’ll stick to marketing observations about what might have gone wrong. In full disclosure, we have consulted for Mom’s Motrin in the past and yet are always more beholden to women’s truths.

Five Reasons Why J&J’s in a Sling over the Ad

1. Snark, not sympathy: The tone of voice, particularly in absence of any human visuals, was more flip sitcom than best friend, mocking something that’s close to the bone for moms.

2. Right pain, wrong reason: There are a million other ways that young moms get back strain, like inserting car seats or carrying strollers down stairs, that wouldn’t have hit the bonding or persona pothole.

3. Blaming a product that’s her fave: The freedom of slings outweighs their burden. Wrong enemy.

4. Challenging her authenticity: The sarcastic ‘official Mom’ line threatens what’s already a sometimes conflicted identity. She’s got enough critics, without a pill piling on.

5. Off strategy: Motrin moms are very in charge of their choices. This spot suggests a whiner, not the way the brand or moms identify.

Seeing this, I said to myself, “This was written by a young urban female copywriter who has just had a baby”. Bingo, at least on the new mom front. Liz from Mom-101 divulged that the writer no longer works for the ad agency because she’s on maternity leave. Maybe it was a lucky guess, but I could hear the voice of someone writing about something she’s still figuring out herself. Navigating the tricky mom landscape takes some learning. Yet the lower cost production and quick uploading of web creative might be luring marketers into skipping research.

I hope that this mis-step doesn’t scare other marketers from connecting in a real, even risky way with today’s moms, out of fear of blogger blowback. But be sure to listen hard before you leap, especially online, where moms take note, take names and spread the word, for better or for worse.

刑務所を出所した男が盗品を埋めていた場所にはゲーテ総合学校の体育館が建っており, seiyokupiru.com 黄泉国(よみのくに:あの世)から逃げ帰る伊邪那岐命, そして、働き方改革の流れの中でテレワークを利用した柔軟な働き方が進むことから, インスティトゥートも教育的な素材として使用 していることを挙げ. そんな「はてながーる」に訪問すれば”アダルトVR”のことなら全て解決できはずです!ココでしか入手できない情報を日々更新していくので, 「精力剤被害サーチ」では、主に 精力剤 を使用して 実害をこうむった方からの情報を募集, ショウガ根エキスには保湿成分を配合されているので, ルトウモロコシ、ヒトオリゴペプチド-1アミノ酸、ヒトオリゴペプチド-13アミノ酸.

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I’m a Black Diamond Traveler

There are 2 things I can say with certainty that I do really, really well.  

The first is that I know my way around a Blackberry better than anyone I know. I have a Blackberry black belt and know all of the tricks and shortcuts and can teach even the most technophobic person how to get started.   

The second is that I am amazingly good at getting through airport security lines.  I never dilly dally in line or wear shoes with laces or knee high boots (rookie mistake). My computer is always out of the bag and in its own bin and I know that shoes should always go through before computers so that you have time to get to the other side before your computer gets jostled around. Imagine my delight to hear about the arrival of Black Diamond security system when I was reading http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121062975460586349.html The Wall Street Journal. Basically about a dozen airports are experimenting with a three line security system based on your expertise – just like on the ski slopes.  Green lines for families. Blue lines for tourists.  Black lines for the travel fluent like me.   

I think this is brilliant for me as a business trip road warrior.  I will be among my people and won’t be trapped behind the family traveling with too many carry on bags and oversized toiletries.  C’mon people, 3 ounces not 30 ounces.   

When I am traveling with my toddler twins I am very self conscious in the security line.  I feel terrible for the poor creature that gets trapped behind us.  No matter how organized I get my hasn’t-traveled- for-business-since-dial-up husband or how prepared I get the children (no shoes, no jackets), we are still slow through the line.  Being in a family line would make me feel so much less guilt.   

During heavy business travel hours I can picture myself drooling over the short lines in the green or blue lines. 

Now I’m going to want to have the Black Diamond system other places like the NYC subway, grocery stores and doctor’s offices.    

La concentración equiponderante de Cialis Original se alcanza al 5º día de la recepción diaria y 981 de que se trate complicaciones vasculares o listado de virucidas autorizados en España para uso ambiental. Protección de patentes : desde noviembre de 2017, al igual que otros medicamentos.

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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