Mary Lou & Tracy at M2W on Day One. Wanna Come?
The M2W – Marketing to Women conference is coming up. Have you registered? Mention that you are a friend of ours and you can get a discount.
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The M2W – Marketing to Women conference is coming up. Have you registered? Mention that you are a friend of ours and you can get a discount.
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What if, throughout 2010, you behaved as though all your customers were women? Mary Lou Quinlan expounds the benefits of taking a female approach – even in so-called ‘male’ industries.
Check out Mary Lou’s full article, Marketing with Women to Reshape your Brand at Canvas8. It’s today’s Editor’s Choice!
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Thanks to the love and support of Sandy Finlayson (who in the interest of full disclosure is Mary Lou’s SIL) we had a wonderful book event last week in Morristown, NJ. We were able to share insights from the new book, do an impromptu reading and answer questions from women who are leaders in their community, in the finance world and in philanthropy.
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This morning I got to beat the snow and appear on WPIX News with someone who I really admire – the stunning and talented Tamsen Fadal. I will always wonder how she can start her business day at 2:30am and still be such a nice person. My 4am wakeup call was worth it and I was lucky enough to appear twice (one at 5:50am and again at 6:50am). The interview was about the Half and Whole Truths of New Year’s resolutions. Ignore my deer in headlights look in the screen grab!
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Thanks Helen for letting me be part of your Editorial Daily Bread. Happy New Year to all. J
Resolutions to Make or Break
December 29, 2009
By Helen JonsenEditor’s Daily Bread I am not one for making resolutions timed to a date on the calendar. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t make changes in my life. But I am a realist. Change happens when it can and when it should not because we are ringing in the New Year. Realizing I am not the one to write about resolutions, I turned to one of our guest bloggers for some insight. Jen Drexler, a co-founder of Just Ask a Woman and co-author of What She’s Not Telling You: Why Women Hide The Whole Truth and What Marketers Can Do About it (November 2009) gives us the inside scoop on how working moms deal with resolutions.
Jen’s take:
So it’s the new year. Now what? Surely we are all thrilled to have 2009 behind us but can we even imagine what 2010 has in store? Will more of us work harder for less money? Will some of us lose our jobs because companies waste money versus invest in people? Will our spouses/partners resent us because we are still employed? All of these are unknowns but the one thing I know for sure is that as working mothers we are unlikely to keep our lofty resolutions.
At the start of every year, women pledge to improve their behavior. Eat better. Join a gym. Quit smoking. Get organized. Blah. Blah. Blah. Why do we promise what we have no intention of doing? Who are we trying to please? Who are we kidding?
My company surveyed over 500 women to find out the state of resolutions for 2010 and 54% said that resolutions aren’t even worth making.
Here are the 5 RESOLUTIONS that women WON’T be keeping this year and WHY:
1. She WON’T eat Healthier. She makes this Half Truth promise because she has good intentions. She wants to lose weight and knows she needs to, but by optimistically saying she will, she thinks it’s true. But she won’t really follow up
2. She WON’T start exercising. Her friends, her husband and her kids would be so proud of her if she finally got serious about exercise. By promising to do it, she gets their acceptance and love and then she can do what she wants.
3. She WON’T quit smoking. There are too many reasons (emotional and physical) why she thinks quitting is too hard. It’s a vicious cycle because when she starts thinking about all of those reasons they stress her out and she reverts to smoking to handle the stress.
4. She WON’T get organized. No one wants to be a slob or to be perceived as out of control so she says this to protect her ego. The Whole Truth is that her “system” is working fine enough for her to get by most of the time.
5. She WON’T pay down her debt. This one is the big dirty secret. The past year has whipped us all into a frenzy of cutting up credit cards, keep to a budget and saving. But the truth is that when the money starts coming in she will find new ways to spend it versus making amends for the past.
This shouldn’t sound defeatist but rather motivate us as working mothers to consider resolutions that are more reasonable. If you motivate yourself to get on a path towards better health, wealth or sock drawers make sure that you use baby steps and rewards along the way to celebrate.
Thanks, Jen. Any ideas what those rewards should be?
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Check out Mary Lou’s interview with M2W-HC E-ssentials editor Patti Minglin on some of the “Half Truths” healthcare professionals are hearing from women.
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Check out my blog on Yummy Mummy discussing the Half and Whole Truths of holiday shopping this season.
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Hear Mary Lou share women’s Half Truths with Stacey Vanek-Smith on NPR Marketplace today
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This morning I had a great time sharing “What She’s Not Telling You” with The CBS Early Show. As you’ll see here, Harry Smith interviewed me and I had a ball. He’d clearly spent time with the book and as he said, delighted in the ‘unvarnished’ truth inside. And he also tipped his hat to the design which made us especially proud at Just Ask a Woman and at our publisher, Greenleaf Books who really knocked themselves out for us.
As anyone who’s written a book knows, the months of weekends and deadlines disappear and even pale compared to the effort it takes to launch a book in this cluttered, short-attention-span world of ours. So events like this are really exciting. Hope you enjoy it and spread the word.
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“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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