Women are Stressed. Shocking.

In the Land of Duh category, The American Psychological Association has just revealed the results of its 2010 “Stress in America” online survey headlined with this shocker: Women are more stressed than men (28% vs 20%) and (drumroll), Gen X-ers, 32 to 45 are the most stressed group of adults. Wonder how much time and money went into discovering this bit of obvious?

If you really put these women on the psychologist’s couch or as we do, the Just Ask a Woman hotseat, you’d learn that while sure, they are stressed, that’s just a Half Truth. The Whole Truth is that she finds a lot of time for the fun and interesting things she likes to do. (Cue the “Dancing with the Stars” music and the Bristol Palin/Jennifer Grey throwdown.) Every day millions and millions of women find time to read and write blogs, to watch DVR’d programming and to dish with their friends online and off. Marketers who think that women are too busy need to realize that “I’m stressed” is a Half Truth. (It’s true because she is still the unthanked keeper of all the tasks of the home, the office, her family, but it’s only half the story). The Whole Truth is that she’s too busy to pay attention or waste time with your brand if you are boring or complicated or just adding to her load of to do’s.

So, American Psychological Association…Doctor up! Get to the heart of what’s bugging her instead of trying to sell her some sessions with you to de-stress. Let her veg out with Top Chef or troll for the latest Groupon deal when she needs a breather. That’s what will give her some relief.

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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