Go ahead and Whine!

At Just Ask a Woman, we are proud of the way we listen to women differently. We let them open up and tell us their stories, good or bad, and we always push for the Whole Truth, no matter how hard it is to say. But in real life, women don’t always have someone to talk to…(or to whine to!) and many of us tend to keep stuff inside because let’s face it, we all grow up being told that nobody likes a whiner.

Well, now there’s a place where you can whine your heart out! As a new Just Ask a Woman adventure, I’ve just launched WhineAt9.com, a site that features a new free weekly audio podcast with my friend Nancy Berk, a clinical psychologist, humor writer and stand-up comic. You can download it onto iTunes or listen on your computer while you work (what, you never do that?) and get a laugh as we talk about what’s bugging us…and you! You can even call your own whine into our Whine Line at 1-203-7Whine9 and be part of the show. Or send us your whine at WhineAt9@gmail.com for the site.

We just posted our second episode (enjoy!) and tonight, we will be introducing Whine at 9 here in NYC….where else? The SNL studios at 30 Rock at an event called “Ladies Who Laugh” sponsored by New York Women in Communications! Get ready for another way that we tell the Whole Truth about women.  

 Whine at 9, the show where it’s fine to whine!

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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