Taco Bell IS a Whole Truth Brand!

I’ve been known to drive miles out of the way to find a T-Bell.  Their crunchy tacos are my guilty pleasure.  During the summer I was pregnant with the twins (during a heat wave) I squeezed myself behind the wheel of my car drove 8 miles to eat tacos in my car with the air conditioner rocking.   I called my husband and told him I had hit rock bottom.  Sure there was a T-Bell closer to my house but that one didn’t have a drive thru and I was too embarassed to heave my uber pregnant self through the door.

Anyway … Taco Bell has tackled the new year’s resolution of “I’m going to lose weight” with their new campaign Drive-Thru Diet.  While I think the execution online is clumsy and cheezy, I think they got this one right from a strategic point of view.  Women (and men) aren’t giving up fast food to lose weight (despite their Good Intentions) but they are open to making smarter decisions when they order.  I believe that these 7 menu items will be attractive to gen pop because they still feel indulgent and will do the job to fill a fast food fix.

Bottom line: Taco Bell will always stand for  7 layer, fried, gordito, triple cheesy and spicy food but they are doing the right thing by showing customers they don’t have to abandon the brand to lose weight.

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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