Just Another Pretty Card


Every year I buy myself a birthday gift (or two). I received a coupon neatly packaged in the mail last month from Anthropologie that caught my eye, and I decided this year I would allow myself a modest shopping spree to celebrate. Upon closer inspection of the coupon I read that it was only valid with my Anthropologie card. Did they mean that members card I got 2 ½ years ago in LA? The one that every time I shopped after signing up for it, they said they did not need it at the cash register? The one no one could tell me what it was for? Luckily I’m moving so I just cleaned my apartment head to toe and found it in an old container at the back of my closet. 

Of course I went to Anthropologie the day before the coupon expired and bought a good amount of clothing (at 15% off your entire purchase-who can resist!). I couldn’t help but ask the woman at the register why I had never received any other coupons or member benefits before. “Oh, they had people sign up for the cards but could not figure out for a while what to do with them. But when you signed up we asked for your birthday so this year we sent out coupons.” Seriously? Not a very exciting answer, particularly because she could not confirm that I would receive one next year so I’m left with nothing to look forward to with this hunk of plastic. Unlike the Sephora beauty card that Lily praised a few months ago and I’ve grown to love because I receive a free sample every time I shop, how am I supposed to justify giving away a precious card slot in my wallet for this Anthropologie card that has no promise or incentive?

Are there any cards that make you mad that you have to carry them around with no guarantee of reward, or do they get tossed right after you sign your name on them?

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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The God Box Goes Global!

“The God Box” has grown to include an app, audio book, philanthropic venture and solo show performed by Mary Lou across the US. Now The God Box Project goes global to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
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