Can’t Put Jill in a Box

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Jack in the Box has a new commercial that features their frozen Tropical Smoothies drink as a solution for menopause. The fun spot, totally tongue in cheek, features a retro-styled woman in pink, crazily smiling her way through hot flashes thanks to the chilled treat. Supposedly, last night on FOX, Bill O’Reilly got all hot and bothered that menopause was even part of a commercial at all.

Chill out, Bill.

First of all, with more women turning 50 every minute, there’s a huge audience for this.

Second, women are open about the subject and they often laugh about it with friends.

Three, there’s money in attracting midlifer’s dollars–a rarity in youth-obsessed fast food marketing. (And interestingly, the many youtube raves on this spot are coming from men, so it’s a double whammy success.)

My advice to Jack in the Box? You didn’t go far enough. The spot is fun and cute, but come on–let her dump the smoothie on her head, let her create a bathtub full of them for a cool soak and at least once, let her flip out a little, smiling that eerie smile. Instead of just showing the weird shot of her cutting roses, let her rip into the Jack in the Box drive through, cut off a teenage driver, yell at the server to hurry up and  douse herself with it a la Paris Hilton’s spot for Carl’s Jr. If you want to appeal to older women with a brand known for its sarcasm, you’ve got to have a little more irreverence.

The brand knows young guys. Time to grow up (you too, Bill!)

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March 10, 2025
by Mary Lou Quinlan

A look at an early production of WORK


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