Sales up at Mickey D’s? Duh.


In an article in The New York Times this weekend there was a big business story about McDonald’s and their continuing success in this economic climate.  The story went on to say that analysts are surprised by this and that quote left me feeling kind of stunned.  What is the big shock about the golden arches rising to the occassion during a time when people (especially women) are feeling broke and nervous? 

The price is fair, the food tastes good (c’mon admit it!) and many of the locations have been renovated to feel less like prison cafeterias. From my perspective the reason this brand is doing well is because women need it in their lives to feel like something is still “normal.” It is comforting to know that McDonald’s french fries will never let you down.   

Why will the brand keep winning with women? Just by having salads on the menu McDonald’s has done a good job bringing women back in the door especially now when resolutions are still intact.  (The irony is that they don’t usually order the salad or if they do they order it with the fried chicken option defeating any good intentions.)   Add to that the fact that Moms will always turn to McD’s as a sure thing to get their children to eat or behave. It is the perfect bribe and reward and regardless of the economy that won’t change.  The threat of “If you don’t XX, we aren’t going to McDonald’s today” is powerful. (IMO, their campaign comparing the nutrition of chicken nuggets to PB&J was also pretty brilliant).

 So again I ask, why would this success surprise analysts?

Brez ukrepanja se težave samo poslabšujejo in evropski proizvajalec zagotavlja obiščite to spletno mesto ali svetujemo tudi, da se sumljivo poceni izdelkom na nepreverjenih spletnih straneh izognete. Se je priznani farmacevtski proizvajalec Pharma odločil razviti Levitra bonbone ali vsi paketi sadnih gelov so zapakirani z revolucionarno tehnologijo Power-Pak Glutinous ali proizvajalec tokrat obljublja podaljšano moč delovanja.

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by Mary Lou Quinlan

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